My Story
My love of senior care began with a hospice. At first I did volunteer office stuff, you know, filing, answering phones etc. That quickly morphed into full on visits which included, visiting seniors within a nursing community, to provide support (read Fun and GAMES) for the patients. I have played thousands of games (cards, checkers, BINGO). I have spent many hours reading to patients, or providing listening and companionship for an hour or two. Cooking with residents is always a fun filled adventure as well as hours and hours of karaoke.
This eventually led to a job with a hospice but I missed the one on one with the seniors…
The impact of volunteerism on our community is a well-known health benefit for our seniors. It allows you to connect with your community while also helping to improve it. Even the smallest acts of kindness can make a significant difference in the lives of people. Popping in for a 10 minute visit, actually calling them by name. Listening to their story… it makes them an important person. Volunteering allows you to make new acquaintances, extend your network, and improve your social skills and it gets those feel good endorphins moving. But most importantly, it is a service to our seniors. I will not get rich with my chosen profession but I will always be rich in smiles and hugs from the heart. So I decided to take that concern for people and make it my own.
I am a End-Of-Life Doula, a nonmedical professional trained to care for a terminally ill person’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs during the death process.
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I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.